By submitting this nomination:
➢ I certify that my statements made in answer to the preceding questions
are true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. I also
authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application as may
be necessary in arriving at a certification decision. In the event of
certification onto the JRR Roster, I understand that any false or misleading
information given in my application or interview(s) may result in removal
and/or termination of a deployment regardless of when or how it was discovered.
➢ I give JRR my
permission to store in its system the information above and any further updates
I may provide in the future.* JRR is an intergovernmental initiative whose
activities are carried out both by Justice Rapid Response Association in Geneva
and Justice Rapid Response USA in New York. I understand that both legal
entities will handle and have access to my personal information.
➢ I agree to
make myself available for a possible interview for selection purposes.
➢ I accept that
JRR may contact my referees and (present or former) workplaces to inquire about
my conduct, skills and experiences in professional environments.
➢ If selected for and added to the JRR Roster, my employer and I consent
to my participation in JRR deployments upon short notice.
➢ If added to the Roster, I
give JRR my permission to share a selection of the information within the
Personal History Webform on an anonymous basis for the purpose of deployment
with JRR end-users.** In situations where my full profile is requested by
end-users, JRR will ask for my consent before sharing my name and contact
* In conformity with the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection, it can be requested at all time that the personal data be corrected or destroyed.
** JRR end-users may include States, International Organisations and other international institutions with the jurisdiction to carry out investigations.